Saturday, November 27, 2021

Optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis

Optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis

optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis

In computational intelligence (CI), an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is a subset of evolutionary computation, a generic population-based metaheuristic optimization EA uses mechanisms inspired by biological evolution, such as reproduction, mutation, recombination, and selection. Candidate solutions to the optimization problem play the role of individuals in a population, and the A student enrolled in the MS degree program in computer science who wishes to be admitted to the PhD program in computer science should apply via the same process as external students. It is expected that such a student will have at least two letters of recommendation from College of Computing faculty An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms. Gradient descent is the preferred way to optimize neural networks and many other machine learning algorithms but is often used as a black box. This post explores how many of the most popular gradient-based optimization algorithms such as Momentum, Adagrad, and Adam actually work

A Comprehensive Review of Swarm Optimization Algorithms

In computer science and operations researchthe ant colony optimization algorithm ACO is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs. Artificial ants stand for multi-agent methods inspired by the behavior of real ants. The pheromone-based communication of biological ants is often the predominant paradigm used.

As an example, ant colony optimization [3] is a class of optimization algorithms modeled on the actions of an ant colony. simulation agents locate optimal solutions by moving through a parameter space representing all possible solutions. Real ants lay down pheromones directing each other to resources while exploring their optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis. The simulated 'ants' similarly record their positions and the quality of their solutions, so that in later simulation iterations more ants locate better solutions.

This algorithm is a member of the ant colony algorithms family, in swarm intelligence methods, and it constitutes some metaheuristic optimizations. Initially proposed by Marco Dorigo in in his PhD thesis, [6] [7] the first algorithm was aiming to search for an optimal path in a graph, based on the behavior of ants seeking a path between their colony and a source of food. The original idea has since diversified to solve a wider class of numerical problems, and as a result, several problems have emerged, drawing on various aspects of the behavior of ants.

From a broader perspective, ACO performs a model-based search [8] and shares some similarities with estimation of distribution algorithms. In the natural world, ants of some species initially wander randomlyand upon finding food return to their colony while laying down pheromone trails. If other ants find such a path, they are likely not to keep travelling at random, but instead to optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis the trail, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis, returning and reinforcing it if they eventually find food see Ant communication.

Over time, however, the pheromone trail starts to evaporate, thus reducing its attractive strength. The more time it takes for an ant to travel down the path and back again, the more time the pheromones have to evaporate. A short path, by comparison, gets marched over more frequently, and thus the pheromone density becomes higher on shorter paths than longer ones.

Pheromone evaporation also has the advantage of avoiding the convergence to a locally optimal solution. If there were no evaporation at all, the paths chosen by the first ants would tend to be excessively attractive to the following ones. In that case, the exploration of the solution space would be constrained, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis.

The influence of pheromone evaporation in real ant systems is unclear, but it is very important in artificial systems. The overall result is that when one ant finds a good i. The idea of the ant colony algorithm is to mimic this behavior with "simulated ants" walking around the graph representing the problem to solve. Anthropocentric concepts have been known to lead to the production of IT systems in which data processing, control units and calculating forces are centralized.

These centralized units have continually increased their performance and can be compared to the human brain. The model of the brain has become the ultimate vision of computers. Ambient networks of intelligent objects and, sooner or later, a new generation of information systems which are even more diffused and based on nanotechnology, will profoundly change this concept.

Small devices that can be compared to insects do not dispose of a high intelligence on their own, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis. Indeed, their intelligence can be classed as fairly limited. It is, for example, impossible to integrate a high performance calculator with the power to solve any kind of mathematical problem into a biochip that is implanted into the human body or integrated in an intelligent tag which is designed to trace commercial articles.

However, once those objects are interconnected they dispose of a form of intelligence that can be compared to a colony of ants or bees.

In the case of certain problems, this type of intelligence can be superior to the reasoning of a centralized system similar to the brain. Nature offers several examples of how minuscule organisms, if they all follow the same basic rule, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis, can create a form of collective intelligence on the macroscopic level.

Colonies of social insects perfectly illustrate this model which greatly differs from human societies. This model is based on the co-operation of independent units with simple and unpredictable behavior, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis.

A colony of ants, for example, represents numerous qualities that can also be applied to a network of ambient objects. Colonies of ants have a very high capacity to adapt optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis to changes in the environment as well as an enormous strength in dealing with situations where one individual fails to carry out a given task.

This kind of flexibility would also be very useful for mobile networks of objects which are perpetually developing. Parcels of information that move from a computer to a digital object behave in the same way as ants would do. They move through the network and pass from one knot to the next with the objective of arriving at their final destination as quickly as possible.

Pheromone-based communication is one of the most effective ways of communication which is widely observed in nature. Pheromone is used by social insects such as bees, ants and termites; both for inter-agent and agent-swarm communications.

Due to its feasibility, artificial pheromones have been adopted in multi-robot and swarm robotic systems. Pheromone-based communication was implemented by different means such as chemical [14] [15] [16] or physical RFID tags, [17] light, [18] [19] [20] [21] sound [22] ways.

However, those implementations were not able to replicate all the aspects of pheromones as seen in nature. Using projected light was presented in an IEEE paper by Garnier, Simon, et al. as an experimental setup to study pheromone-based communication with micro autonomous robots. In the ant colony optimization algorithms, an artificial ant is a simple computational agent that searches for good solutions to a given optimization problem.

To apply an ant colony algorithm, the optimization problem needs to be converted into the problem of finding the shortest path on a weighted graph.

In the first step of each iteration, each ant stochastically constructs a solution, i. the order in which the edges in the graph should be followed. In the second step, the paths found by the different ants are compared.

The last step consists of updating the pheromone levels on each edge. Each ant needs to construct a solution to move through the graph. To select the next edge in its tour, an ant will consider the length of each edge available from its current position, as well as the corresponding pheromone level. The trail level represents a posteriori indication of the desirability of that move.

Trails are usually updated when all ants have completed their solution, increasing or decreasing the level of trails corresponding to moves that were part of "good" or "bad" solutions, respectively. An example of a global pheromone updating rule is. The ant system is the first ACO algorithm. This algorithm corresponds to the one presented above. It was developed by Dorigo. In this algorithm, the global best solution deposits pheromone on its trail after every iteration even if this trail has not been revisitedoptimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis, along with all the other ants.

The elitist strategy has as its objective directing the search of all ants to construct a solution to contain links of the current best route. This algorithm controls the maximum and minimum pheromone amounts on each trail.

Only optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis global best tour or the iteration best tour are allowed to add pheromone to its trail. To avoid stagnation of the search algorithm, the range of possible pheromone amounts on each trail is limited to an interval [τ max ,τ min ]. All edges are initialized to τ max to force a higher exploration of solutions. The trails are reinitialized to τ max when nearing stagnation.

Optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis solutions are ranked according to their length.

Only a fixed number of the best ants in this iteration are allowed to update their trials. The amount of pheromone deposited is weighted for each solution, such that solutions with shorter paths deposit more pheromone than the solutions with longer paths.

The pheromone deposit mechanism of COAC is to optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis ants to search for solutions collaboratively and effectively. By using an orthogonal design method, ants in the feasible domain can explore their chosen regions rapidly and efficiently, with enhanced global search capability and accuracy. The orthogonal design method and the adaptive radius adjustment method can also be extended to other optimization algorithms for delivering wider advantages in solving practical problems.

It is a recursive form of ant system which divides the whole search domain into several sub-domains and solves the objective on these subdomains. The subdomains corresponding to the selected results are further subdivided and the process is repeated until an output of desired precision is obtained. This method has been tested on ill-posed geophysical inversion problems and works well. For some versions of the algorithm, it is possible to prove that it is convergent i.

The first evidence of convergence for an ant colony algorithm was made inthe graph-based ant system algorithm, and later on for the ACS and MMAS algorithms. Like most metaheuristicsit is very difficult to estimate the theoretical speed of convergence.

A performance analysis of a continuous ant colony algorithm with respect to its various parameters edge selection strategy, distance measure metric, and pheromone evaporation rate showed that its performance and rate of convergence are sensitive to the chosen parameter values, and especially to the value of the pheromone evaporation rate. They proposed these metaheuristics as a " research-based model ". Ant colony optimization algorithms have been applied to many combinatorial optimization problems, ranging from quadratic assignment to protein folding or routing vehicles and a lot of derived methods have been adapted to dynamic problems in real variables, optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis, stochastic problems, multi-targets and parallel implementations.

It has also been used to produce near-optimal solutions to the travelling salesman problem. They have an advantage over simulated annealing and genetic algorithm approaches of similar problems when the graph may change dynamically; the ant colony algorithm can be run continuously and adapt to changes in real time. This is of interest in network routing and urban transportation systems. The first ACO algorithm was called the ant system [26] and it was aimed to solve the travelling salesman problem, in which the goal is to find the shortest round-trip to link a series of cities.

The general algorithm is relatively simple and based on a set of ants, each making one of the possible round-trips along the cities. At each stage, the ant chooses to move from one city to another according to some rules:. To optimize the form of antennas, ant colony algorithms can be used. As example can be considered antennas RFID-tags based on ant colony algorithms ACO[76] loopback and unloopback vibrators 10×10 [75]. The ACO algorithm is used in image processing for image edge detection and edge linking.

The graph here is the 2-D image and the ants traverse from one pixel depositing pheromone. The movement of ants from one pixel to another is directed by the local variation of the image's intensity values.

This movement causes the highest density of the pheromone to be deposited at the edges. The following are the steps involved in edge detection using ACO: [79] [80] [81]. Step 1: Initialization. The major challenge in the initialization process is determining the heuristic matrix.

There are various methods to determine the heuristic matrix. Step 2: Construction process.

Quantum Algorithms for Optimization - Quantum Colloquium

, time: 1:13:40

Ant colony optimization algorithms - Wikipedia

optimization learning and natural algorithms phd thesis

A student enrolled in the MS degree program in computer science who wishes to be admitted to the PhD program in computer science should apply via the same process as external students. It is expected that such a student will have at least two letters of recommendation from College of Computing faculty Aug 14,  · Deep Learning is Large Neural Networks. Andrew Ng from Coursera and Chief Scientist at Baidu Research formally founded Google Brain that eventually resulted in the productization of deep learning technologies across a large number of Google services.. He has spoken and written a lot about what deep learning is and is a good place to start. In early talks on deep learning, Andrew described Thus, developing efficient algorithms is important. Feature screening techniques have proven to be effective at increasing efficiency, as they allow for considerable dimension reduction during the optimization process. In this thesis, we develop both mathematical feature screening rules that eliminate features without altering the solution, and

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