Saturday, November 27, 2021

Teenage pregnancy research paper

Teenage pregnancy research paper

teenage pregnancy research paper

Nov 29,  · Teenage pregnancy is the biggest killer of young girls worldwide; 1, , teenage girls die or suffer serious injury, infection or disease due to pregnancy or childbirth every year (8). Adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 years are twice as likely to die from complications in pregnancy as are women in their by: 8 Jun 23,  · This sample teenage pregnancy research paper features an outline, + words, APA in-text citations and a list of credible references. If you would like to write a high quality research paper, ideas from this sample will give you a head-start and the much needed inspiration. Teenage Pregnancy Paper Outline. IntroductionEstimated Reading Time: 10 mins Nowadays, teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern and therefore various causes of teenage pregnancy has become crucial. Teenage pregnancy refers to pregnancy occurs in young girls, mostly in the range of age 13 to 17 yeas old. According to Jackie, () low self-esteem is among the causes of teenage pregnancy. Children whoFile Size: KB

Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper -

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Teenage pregnancy has long been a worldwide social, economic and educational concern for the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Studies on adolescent sexuality and pregnancy are very limited in our country.

Therefore, this study aims to assess the prevalence of teenage pregnancy and its associated factors among teenage pregnancy research paper adolescents of Arba Minch Town. Institution-based, teenage pregnancy research paper, cross-sectional study was conducted from 20—30 March Systematic sampling technique was used to select a total of students from four schools of the town.

Data were collected by trained data collectors using a pre-tested, self-administered structured questionnaire. Analysis was made using SPSS version Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify the predictors of teenage pregnancy. The prevalence of teenage pregnancy among school adolescents of Arba Minch Town was 7.

This study revealed high level of teenage pregnancy among school adolescents of Arba Minch Town, teenage pregnancy research paper. A significant number of adolescent female students were at risk of facing the challenges of teenage pregnancy in the study area.

School-based reproductive health education and strong parent-daughter relationships are recommended. Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood characterized by significant physiological, psychological and social changes.

However, adolescent girls suffer from a disproportionate share of teenage pregnancy which is a universal public health problem that affects maternal and child health 12. Adolescent pregnancy and childbearing is a a global health and economic challenge nowadays. Globally, about 18 million adolescent girls teenage pregnancy research paper 15—19 years give birth each year adolescent birth rate was 53 births per 1, women. In subSaharan Africa, in the yearbirths per 1, were some of the highest rates of adolescent fertility in the world 4.

Among Pregnancy at an early age is risky for the mother and the baby, teenage pregnancy research paper. Moreover, babies born to adolescents also face a significantly higher risk of death compared to babies born teenage pregnancy research paper older women 7.

Teenage pregnancy is the biggest killer of young girls worldwide; 1,teenage girls die or suffer serious injury, teenage pregnancy research paper, infection or disease due to pregnancy or childbirth every year 8. Adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 years are twice as likely to die from complications in pregnancy as are women in their twenties. The youngest girls are particularly at risk; the mortality rate for those under 15 is four times higher than for those in their 20s 9. Teenage pregnancy also has significant long term social consequences for the adolescents, their children, their families and their communities; it led adolescents to less educational attainment and high school dropout, poor health and poverty.

The children of teenage mothers are also more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out of high school, have more health problems, teenage pregnancy research paper, are incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult 3teenage pregnancy research paper, 11 — Although adolescent pregnancy occurs among all racial, cultural and socioeconomic groups, some adolescents are more likely than others to become pregnant 4.

Factors such as economic status, education, religion, place of residence, peer's and partners' behaviours, family and community attitudes, age, mass media, lack of reproductive health services and knowledge are contributing factors to the increase of unintended pregnancy among adolescents in Ethiopia The government of Ethiopia developed strategies to achieve four major objectives: increasing access to quality reproductive health services for adolescents, increase awareness and knowledge about reproductive health issues, strengthen multisectoral partnerships, and design and implement adolescent and youth reproductive health programs.

However, teenage pregnancy remains high in the country Studies on adolescent sexuality and pregnancy are very limited in our country particularly in the South Region. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of assessing the teenage pregnancy research paper and identifying associated factors of teenage pregnancy among school adolescents of Arba Minch Town in order to contribute to the prevention programs by providing up-to-date information for decision-making and program implementation.

Study setting : The study was conducted from 20—30 March in Gammo Goffa Zone, Arba Minch Town, South Ethiopia. According to the latest national population projection based on the population and housing census, the total population of the town is aboutpeople The town has four sub-cities named: Secha, Abaya, Teenage pregnancy research paper and Sikela.

In the town, there are eight colleges private and publicsix high schools and two preparatory schools. An institution-based, cross-sectional study design was employed among female students in the age range of between 15 and 19 years from the four schools in the town.

Therefore, teenage pregnancy research paper, the total calculated sample size for this study was students. There were 8 schools 2 preparatory and 6 high schools in the town. After stratifying schools into preparatory and high schools, one preparatory school and three high schools were selected randomly. Proportional numbers of students were assigned to each school and then the total number of 15—19 years old female students in each grade level was obtained from the school administration.

A separate sampling frame was prepared for each grade level of each school, teenage pregnancy research paper. Then, the final participants were drawn from each grade level by systematic random sampling technique 1 in every 5 students Figure 1.

Data collection : Seven data collectors all of them were college completed individuals working in different institutions and two supervisors were recruited for data collection and supervision respectively.

Training on the methods, objectives, and other technical aspects of the study were provided to the data collectors and supervisors. A pre-tested, structured, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The questionnaire was prepared in English and then translated into the local language Amharicand then back translated into English language for its consistency. For the translation and back translation purpose, we used two different individuals who speak both English and Amharic fluently, teenage pregnancy research paper.

In order to ensure the quality of the data, pretesting of the questionnaire was done in the same set-up having similar age group but not from a selected high school. Some unclear and difficult questions to understand teenage pregnancy research paper most of the students were corrected and rephrased accordingly during the pretest.

The sitting arrangement of the students was considered; each student took a single seat with sparse arrangement of chairs and desks.

Then after, the copies of questionnaire were distributed among students after short orientation had been provided. The principal investigator and the supervisors closely supervised the data collection process, teenage pregnancy research paper.

Data analysis : Data were analysed using SPSS V statistical software. Assumptions for logistic regression and multi-collinearity diagnostics were checked. Descriptive statistics was used and the results were displayed using tables.

Binary logistic regression was carried out. Firstly, bivariate analysis was done to see the crude effect of each independent variable on the outcome variable. Ethical consideration : Ethical clearance was obtained from Jimma University Ethical Review Committee. Teenage pregnancy research paper formal letter was submitted to the Education office of the Gammo Goffa Zone and subsequently to high schools of Arba Minch Town where the study took place. Written permissions from the parents of the respondents were obtained a day before the time of data collection.

Oral and written permissions from the schools and the respective study subjects were obtained. Emergency contraceptives : As an emergency measure, women can take special pills to prevent pregnancy within three days after they have unprotected sexual intercourse. Know the exact time to take emergency contraceptives : individuals who know the exact time of taking emergency contraceptives within 72 teenage pregnancy research paper after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Do not know the exact time to take emergency contraceptives teenage pregnancy research paper individuals who do not respond as per above.

Parent-daughter interaction : was measured by asking the following four questions:. Do your parents communicate with you on issues related to sexuality, love and friendship openly? The teenage pregnancy research paper score from the four questions was computed i. A total of Two hundred and seventeen With regard to school type, Fertility knowledge and pregnancy among sexually active school adolescents were assessed; from the total of sexually active students, 43 Seventy-eight Regarding contraceptive use, 68 About 37 We assessed the family and peer level characteristic of the respondents; about The majority, Three hundred and twenty-eight With regard to the prevalence of teenage pregnancy, teenage pregnancy research paper, 43 7.

Multivariate logistic regression analysis was carried out. However, marital status, religious participation, knowledge of fertile period of menstrual teenage pregnancy research paper and educational status of the respondents' mothers did not show significant associations with teenage pregnancy Table 4.

Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors affecting teenage pregnancy among school adolescents in Arba Minch Town, March Teenage pregnancy is one of the most unfavourable and usually unplanned outcomes of adolescents' sexual activity. Teens are initiated to engage in unprotected sex early in life so that they are exposed to young parenthood. Many teens that become pregnant have to leave school; this has a long-term implication for them as individual, their family and their community.

The prevalence of sexual activity in this study was This finding is consistent with studies conducted among school adolescents of two towns of Ethiopia: Gondar However, slightly lower than the findings from Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey EDHS report and a study conducted among school adolescents teenage pregnancy research paper Ilorin, Nigeria. The findings in these studies were The discrepancy may be due to methodological variations: EDHS included adolescents in the community whereas this study focused only on high school adolescents.

Furthermore, Socio-cultural difference is there with the case of Ilorin, Nigeria. Although the Ethiopian government has been working on sexual and reproductive health issues with especial focus on the youth including teenagers in schools and community at large, the current study has shown that a high number of school teenagers were practicing sexual intercourse and are still at risk of teenage pregnancy.

The overall prevalence of teenage pregnancy in this study was 43 7. This finding is comparable with the teenage pregnancy research paper from EDHS report of Southern Ethiopia Region which was 7. The prevalence of teenage pregnancy among sexually active students in this study was The fiding in the current study a study is also inlines with the finding in Nigeria where However, teenage pregnancy research paper, it is much higher than the study conducted in the same country in Ilorin, Central Nigeria, among high school adolescents in which case only 5.

These variations may be due to the difference in age range of study populations as the study in Nigeria included adolescents of 10—19 years old whereas teenage pregnancy research paper study included those in the age range of 15—19 years the probability of being pregnant is higher in the late adolescence stage than in early adolescence stage.

Preventing Teen Pregnancies

, time: 10:09

Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper - Words | Bartleby

teenage pregnancy research paper

Research Paper. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most pressing issues facing the United States and indeed the world today. In the developed world, young mothers who are faced with unplanned parenthood are an increasing strain on the economy. Generally these young women leave high school before they obtain their diploma Nov 29,  · Teenage pregnancy is the biggest killer of young girls worldwide; 1, , teenage girls die or suffer serious injury, infection or disease due to pregnancy or childbirth every year (8). Adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 years are twice as likely to die from complications in pregnancy as are women in their by: 8 Teenage pregnancy, for the purpose of this paper, is defined as a teenage girl between the ages of who are currently pregnant (UNICEF). Low socioeconomic status is defined as families living at or below the poverty threshold. The independent variable for this study is teenage pregnancy and the dependent variable is low socioeconomic status

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