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Mozart and the Ineffable –
When I was an orchestral tuba player in my youth, my least favorite composer was Mozart. There were three strikes against him. First, he never wrote for tuba—an instrument which, to be fair, had not been invented until forty-four years after his death. Second, his music seemed generally too happy and lacking in emotional depth; while I was all Sturm und Drang. And, third, he seemed genuinely uninterested in being revolutionary—in exploding musical conventions and ruthlessly pushing boundaries—something I took to be synonymous with good art.
I remember many impatient Sunday afternoons sitting on the lawns at Tanglewood during my summers in high school, essays on mozart, waiting for the Boston Symphony to finish some light and fluffy Mozart symphony before finally getting to the good stuff—a tone poem by Richard Strauss, or a symphony by Dvořák, Brahms, essays on mozart Mahler. But as I got older, something seemed wrong about my youthful assessment of Mozart. Occasionally I found myself essays on mozart to listen to his music rather than that of others—and not merely as background, but as something substantial in the foreground.
There was something almost magical about the moods he could evoke. Mozart was gradually becoming interesting. The challenge was then to explain this. This seemed to capture something real. Simplicity was part of it, no doubt. Swafford—himself a prolific composer and award-winning author of biographies of Ives, Beethoven, and Brahms—tries to present Mozart as the composer would have understood himself.
But Mozart, as Swafford refreshingly observes, essays on mozart, was simply not like this. The book is delightfully readable and painstakingly researched. It consists of three somewhat different genres artfully woven together.
The first is biography, in which Swafford relies mainly on the epistolary records related to Mozart and his family. Here Swafford situates Mozart in relation to the Enlightenment, the Baroque, essays on mozart Romantic, the essays on mozart countries and cultures of Western Europe through which he passed, essays on mozart, and the stratified classes of society with whom he interacted.
Swafford soberly acknowledges that language can never fully capture the experiences of beauty, but he strives nevertheless to point to where and how beauty appears. From the romantics forward, composers have tended to associate tradition with constraint, something to be overcome. But Mozart took a healthier and philosophically more defensible view: that tradition was the scaffolding for genius. This comes out in his relationship to his father, Leopold, who was also a fine composer.
So too with musical forms and idioms. Mozart gladly worked within the conventions of his day, imitating composers he admired, borrowing their syntax and punctuation, all the while stamping his own genius on his work. As he matured, he would inevitably stretch traditions, but only when he had to, essays on mozart.
Pushing envelopes was never his goal. Here as well as anywhere is shown his mature gift for going through convention and coming out into a territory he owned. Tradition did not define him, but without it he would have been nowhere.
Tradition was the scaffolding for genius in the sense that it supplied settled forms and structures within which Mozart could attend to beauty, cleverness, and creativity. This is what the Romantics in their solipsistic egoism tended to miss.
For the romantics, creativity consisted to a large extent in transgressing limits, as if convention were a foreign imposition. Whereas Mozartian creativity delighted in limits. As with poetic forms—iambic pentameter or terza rima—limits facilitate creativity and magnify genius. In those days the point of art was not to essays on mozart yourself but to express everybody and to express art itself, essays on mozart.
Inevitably we come up empty-handed. What is there are portraits of a social world with all its subtle feelings: playfulness, love, reverence, loss, hope, excitement, happiness—and the emphasis was on happiness.
On the contrary the happiness in Mozart admits of infinite shades of gray: his emotional palette was vast. Consider the rondo finale the third movement of his Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat Major for Violin, Viola, and Orchestra, K.
Thus his music, thus his life. The sparkle of the sinfonia is another occasion of a life-avowing quality unique to Mozart. Part of its magic is its inexpressibleness outside itself, its sense of skirting time and place and language into a territory of sheer sound and delight.
Now for a word about beauty. I have never found a theory of beauty that satisfactorily accounts essays on mozart its many forms. There is obviously something to this. But beauty can also be found in erotic desire, the longing for someone who is not I, but an other, whom I wish to be with, to participate in.
Beauty takes many more forms in addition to these, so that one struggles exceedingly to say what it is. Yet we know it when we see it—or hear it. Essays on mozart in life when he was only sixteen Mozart had become a consummate master of beauty. Here is Swafford commenting on the middle movement his Divertimento in F-Major, K. Think about how much music like this adds to our lives, lifting us up from the workaday world of utility and anxiety into another, simpler, almost heavenly world of pure delight.
But this is no tragedy. Rather it is why music is music and words are words. About Staff Submissions Contact Part of the Liberty Fund network. Home Essays Forum Podcasts Book Reviews Features Classics Newsletters About Staff Submissions Contact. Mar 13, Exiting the Nation State, essays on mozart. Richard M. Reinsch II.
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Composition. Mozart completed the concerto in January , nine months after his Piano Concerto No. 8 in C major and with few significant compositions in the intervening period. He composed the work for Victoire Jenamy, the daughter of Jean-Georges Noverre and a proficient pianist. Mozart performed the concerto at a private concert on 4 October Nov 14, · Mera school essay in urdu grade 1. Importance of health essay pdf, how to give good feedback on essays to how essay sat add mozart The after registration to essay effect how to write introduction for ielts essay. Examples of free writing essays college essay culture, how to introduce yourself in a personal essay down syndrome essay paper Admission Essays & Business Writing Help. An admission essay is an essay or other written statement by a candidate, often a potential student enrolling in a college, university, or graduate school. You can be rest assurred that through our service we will write the best admission essay for you
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