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Conservation of wildlife essay

Conservation of wildlife essay

conservation of wildlife essay

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The conservation movementalso known as nature conservationis a political, environmental, and social movement that seeks to manage and protect natural resourcesincluding animal, fungus, conservation of wildlife essay, and plant species as well as their habitat for the future.

Conservationists are concerned with leaving the environment in a better state than the condition they found it in. The early conservation movement evolved out of necessity to maintain natural resources such as fisherieswildlife managementwatersoilas well as conservation and sustainable forestry. The contemporary conservation movement has broadened from the early movement's emphasis on use of sustainable yield of natural resources and preservation of wilderness areas to include preservation of biodiversity.

Some say the conservation movement is part of the broader and more far-reaching environmental movementwhile others argue that they differ both in ideology and practice, conservation of wildlife essay. Chiefly in the United States, conservation is seen as differing from environmentalism and it is generally a conservative school of thought which aims to preserve natural resources expressly for their continued sustainable use by humans.

The conservation movement can be traced back to John Evelyn 's work Sylvapresented as a paper to the Royal Society in Published as a book two years later, it was one of the most highly influential texts on forestry ever published, conservation of wildlife essay.

The field developed during the 18th century, especially in Prussia and France where scientific forestry methods were developed. These methods were first applied rigorously in British India from the earlyth century. The government was interested in conservation of wildlife essay use of forest produce and began managing the forests with measures to reduce the risk of wildfire in order to protect the "household" of nature, as it was then termed.

This early ecological idea was in order to preserve the growth of delicate teak trees, which was an important resource for the Royal Navy. Concerns over teak depletion were raised as early as and when the Navy was undergoing a massive expansion during the Napoleonic Wars ; this pressure led to the first formal conservation Act, which prohibited the felling of small teak trees. The first forestry officer was appointed in to regulate and preserve the trees necessary for shipbuilding.

This promising start received a setback in the s and 30s, when laissez-faire economics and complaints from private landowners brought these early conservation attempts to an end, conservation of wildlife essay. InAmerican poet George Pope Morris published "Woodman, conservation of wildlife essay, Spare that Tree! The poem was set to music later that year by Henry Russell.

Lines from the song have been quoted by environmentalists. Conservation was revived in the midth century, with the first practical application of scientific conservation principles to the forests of India. The conservation ethic that began to evolve included three core principles: that human activity damaged conservation of wildlife essay environmentthat there was a civic duty to maintain the environment for future generations, and that scientific, empirically based methods should be applied to ensure this duty was carried out.

Sir James Ranald Martin was prominent in promoting this ideology, publishing many medico-topographical reports that demonstrated the scale of damage wrought through large-scale deforestation and desiccation, and lobbying extensively for the institutionalization of forest conservation activities in British India through the establishment of Forest Departments.

The Madras Board of Revenue started local conservation efforts inheaded by Alexander Gibsona professional botanist who systematically adopted a forest conservation program based on scientific principles, conservation of wildlife essay. This was the first case of state management of forests in the world. These local attempts gradually received more attention by the British government as the unregulated felling of trees continued unabated. Inthe British Association in Edinburgh formed a committee to study forest destruction at the behest of Dr.

Hugh Cleghorn a pioneer in the nascent conservation conservation of wildlife essay. He had become interested in forest conservation in Mysore in and gave several lectures at the Association on the failure of agriculture in India. These lectures influenced the government under Governor-General Lord Dalhousie to introduce the first permanent and large-scale forest conservation program in the world ina model that soon spread to other coloniesas well the United States.

In the same year, Cleghorn organised the Madras Forest Department and in the Department banned the use shifting cultivation. Sir Dietrich Brandisa German forester, joined the British service in as superintendent of the teak forests of Pegu division in eastern Burma, conservation of wildlife essay. During that time Burma's teak forests were controlled by militant Karen tribals. He introduced the "taungya" system, [11] in which Karen villagers provided labor for clearing, planting and weeding teak plantations.

After seven years in Burma, Brandis was appointed Inspector General of Forests in India, a position he served in for 20 years. He formulated new forest legislation and helped establish research and training institutions. The Imperial Forest School at Dehradun was founded by him.

Germans were prominent in the forestry administration of British India. As well as Brandis, Berthold Ribbentrop and Sir William P. Schlich brought new methods to Indian conservation, the latter becoming the Inspector-General in after Brandis stepped down. Schlich helped to establish the journal Indian Conservation of wildlife essay inand became the founding director of the first forestry school in England at Cooper's Hill in The American movement received its inspiration from 19th century works that exalted the inherent value of nature, quite apart from human usage.

Author Henry David Thoreau made key philosophical contributions that exalted nature, conservation of wildlife essay. Thoreau was interested in peoples' relationship with nature and studied this by living close to nature in a simple life.

He published his experiences in the book Waldenwhich argued that people should become intimately close with nature. The ideas of Sir BrandisSir William P. Schlich and Carl A. Schenck were also very influential - Gifford Pinchotthe first chief of the USDA Forest Serviceconservation of wildlife essay heavily upon Brandis' advice for introducing professional forest management in the U.

and on how to structure the Forest Service. Both conservationists and preservationists appeared in political debates during the Progressive Era the s—early s. There were three main positions. The debate between conservation and preservation reached its peak in the public debates over the construction of California's Hetch Hetchy dam in Yosemite National Park which supplies the water supply of San Francisco. Muir, leading the Sierra Clubdeclared that the valley must be preserved for the sake of its beauty: "No holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man.

President Roosevelt put conservationist issues high on the national agenda. He encouraged the Newlands Reclamation Act of to promote federal construction of dams to irrigate small farms and placed million acresmi 2 orkm 2 under federal protection.

Roosevelt set aside more federal land for national parks and nature preserves than all of his predecessors combined. Roosevelt established the United States Forest Servicesigned into law the creation of five national parksand signed the year Antiquities Actunder which he proclaimed 18 new national monuments. He also established the first 51 bird reservesfour game preservesand national forestsincluding Shoshone National Forestthe nation's first.

The area of the United States that he placed under public protection totals approximately , acreskm 2. Gifford Pinchot had been appointed by McKinley as chief of Division of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture. Inhis department gained control of the national forest reserves. Pinchot promoted private use for a fee under federal supervision.

InRoosevelt designated 16 million acres 65, km 2 of new national forests just minutes before a deadline. In MayRoosevelt sponsored the Conference of Governors held in the White House, with a focus on natural resources and their most efficient use.

Roosevelt delivered the opening address: "Conservation as a National Duty". In Roosevelt toured the Yosemite Valley with John Muirwho had a very different view of conservation, and tried to minimize commercial use of water resources and forests. Working through the Sierra Club he founded, Muir succeeded in in having Congress transfer the Mariposa Grove and Yosemite Valley to the federal government.

Theodore Roosevelt's view on conservationism remained dominant for decades; - Franklin D. Roosevelt authorised the building of many large-scale dams and water projects, as well as the expansion of the National Forest System to buy out sub-marginal farms.

Inthe Pittman—Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act was signed into law, providing funding for state agencies to carry out their conservation efforts. Environmental reemerged on the national agenda inconservation of wildlife essay, with Republican Richard Nixon playing a major role, especially with his creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The debates over the public lands and environmental politics played a supporting role in the decline of liberalism and the rise of modern environmentalism. Although Americans consistently rank environmental issues as "important", polling data indicates that in the voting booth voters rank the environmental issues low relative to conservation of wildlife essay political concerns.

The growth of the Republican party's political power in the inland West apart from the Pacific coast was conservation of wildlife essay by the rise of popular opposition to public lands reform. Successful Democrats in the inland West and Alaska typically take more conservative positions on environmental issues than Democrats from the Coastal states.

Conservatives drew on new organizational networks of think tanks, industry groups, conservation of wildlife essay citizen-oriented organizations, and they conservation of wildlife essay to deploy new strategies that affirmed the rights of individuals to their property, protection of extraction rights, to hunt and recreate, conservation of wildlife essay, and to pursue happiness unencumbered by the federal government at the expense of resource conservation.

Inconvivial conservation was an idea proposed by Bram Büscher and Robert Fletcher. Convivial conservation draws on social movements and concepts like environmental justice and structural change to create a post-capitalist approach to conservation, conservation of wildlife essay. Although the conservation movement developed in Europe in the 18th century, Costa Rica as a country has been heralded its champion in the current times.

A widely accepted theory for the origin of this unusual density of species is the free mixing of species from both North and South America occurring on this "inter-oceanic" and "inter-continental" landscape. Costa Rica has made conservation a national priority, and has been at the forefront of preserving its natural environment with over a quarter of its land designated as protected in some form, conservation of wildlife essay, which is under the administrative control of SINAC National System of Conservation Areas [29] a division of MINAE Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications.

SINAC has subdivided the country into various zones depending on the ecological diversity of that region - these zones conservation of wildlife essay depicted in figure 1. The country has used this ecological diversity to its economic advantage in the form of conservation of wildlife essay thriving ecotourism industryputting its commitment to nature, on display to visitors from across the globe.

It is estimated that a record 2. This tourism is facilitated by the fact that Conservation of wildlife essay Rica has a stable democracy and has a human development index of 0. You know, when we first set up WWF, our objective was to save endangered species from extinction. If only we conservation of wildlife essay put all that money into condoms, we might have done some good.

The World Wide Fund for Nature WWF is an international non-governmental organization founded inworking in the field of the wilderness preservation, and the reduction of human impact on the environment. WWF is the world's largest conservation organization with over five million supporters worldwide, working in more than countries, supporting around 1, conservation and environmental projects.

WWF aims to "stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, conservation of wildlife essay. A conservation-exploitation dichotomy has plagued a place many may not expect: Conservation institutions. Claus in his article, conservation of wildlife essay, "Drawing the Sea Near: Satoumi and Coral Reef Conservation in Okinawa" expands on these approaches and their effectiveness, not as much in conservation, but in creating the value of and commercializing endangered flora and fauna.

One way in which this has taken place is through a separation between people, even locals, and the nature spaces they aimed to protect. This entity is largely unaware of the customs and values held by those within the territory surrounding nature and their role within it. Unlike the hands-on, full sensory experience permitted by conservation-near methodologies, conservation-far drills visuals and sight as being the main interaction medium between people and the environment, conservation of wildlife essay.

An emphasis on observation only stems from a deeper association with intellect and observation. A new, integrated approach to conservation is being investigated in recent years by institutions such as WWF.

Evidence-based conservation is the application of evidence in nature conservation management actions and policy making. It is defined as systematically assessing scientific information from published, peer-reviewed publications and texts, practitioners' experiences, independent expert assessment, and local and indigenous knowledge on a specific conservation topic.

This includes assessing the current effectiveness of different management interventions, threats and emerging problems and economic factors. scientific information.

Essays on Wildlife Conservation: Chapter 9 - Conservation in the USA: legislative milestones

, time: 32:33

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conservation of wildlife essay

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